Monday, February 4, 2013

Happenings of the past three weeks...

I have not posted in the last three weeks...shame on me! No excuses, just life.

Soccer Boy is moving along with his letters and sounds. He is now working on the letter "P". We have been studying all about penguins. We even practiced being Emperor Penguins by balancing an egg on our feet to show how hard they work to protect their babies and to keep them warm.

Artsy Girl has learned about Daniel Boone, Kentucky, our state of Tennessee, Ohio, the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana, Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin.
We have spent the last couple of weeks using the Magic School Bus World of Germs as our Science study. We made a replica of a animal cell out of jello, grapes and beans. We have also put several specimens in our Petri dishes to test the growth of several different kinds of microbes. We will monitor the results this week.

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