Monday, April 1, 2013

Our Easter Gardens

I decided to take some time this Easter holiday and reflect upon the true meaning of our Savior's Resurrection.  I have seen several variations of an Easter Garden, so I decided to make our own too.  I let both kids make their own.

We gathered two large saucers, 2 paper cups, 2 large stones from the backyard, potting soil, grass seed, small bag of pebbles, 6 small sticks for the crosses,  and a spray bottle of water.
I would definitely recommend doing this little project outside, but since it was cold and raining, we opted for inside.  As the kids put their gardens together, we talked about why we were planting this garden.  I told them the story of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection and how important it is to not only at this special time, but each and every day thank God for sending Jesus to us.  This helped them to really understand the empty tomb (large rock and empty cup) and the meaning of the three crosses (glued sticks).  We planted our gardens one week before Easter and luckily we had the first sprouts on Easter morning...perfect!

We used the spray bottle of water and sprayed them each day and here's the results after only one week.
These look beautiful on our table and the kids just love looking for new sprouts each has become a little bit of a competition.  All in all, a very easy but messy project.  I would definitely recommend this to anyone to help kids remember the importance of this wonderful time of year.

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