Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our School Room

I thought I would include pictures of our school room.  Some families have a designated room, while others use the kitchen table or family room.  I like to have all our things neat and organized (my OCD won't let it happen any other way :) into one area upstairs.  We use our school table for the worksheets and projects.  We use the couch area for our reading time and we use the outside any chance we can get.  We have been known on a beautiful fall day to have our lessons on a blanket in the yard.  This is another reason why I love homeschooling.  We learn in all sorts of settings, but organization is key for me.  I like a rough draft of our schedule for the year.  And then weekly lessons written out for 3-4 months at a time.  This gives me some wiggle room if we find something that isn't working or want to add on more fun things.  I am continually learning to "let go" of the "we have to fit everything in mentality".  Learning to trust in God and knowing that He will guide our way is the most important rule.  My kids are healthy, happy, smart, social bugs and as long as I am teaching them how to learn and find the resources they need...then I am happy.

 Our American History timeline, counting to 100 chart and US map.
 Our very packed closet.
 Our school table.
 Love my Desk Apprentice from Staples. 
 I keep all my teaching manuals and daily supplies right on the table.
 Each subject has a box, so everything is easily accessible.
Soccer Boy loves putting up our weather report each morning.


  1. What a beautiful space. More often than not lately our classroom is a messy educational playroom as we don't do much school int here at all, but it's nice to have a place to store all the books and art supplies :)

  2. Thank you for reading and commenting. I love looking at how & where others "do" school, so I thought I would post mine too:)
