Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Weeks #11, #12 & #13

Wow, time has been flying by! 
 I am so behind in my posts...it has been crazy around here these last couple of weeks. 
To catch up,  Soccer Boy has been learning about the letters L & M.  He is just progressing along no nicely.  He has our routine all figured out and really loves doing his schoolwork.   We spent all last week learning about Thanksgiving.  We studied about the pilgrims, Native Americans, turkeys, and the Mayflower.  This is all new territory for him, but he really enjoyed coloring all the pictures and decorating the turkeys.  He had fun placing his letters for the alphabet on his magnet board.  He also enjoyed painting a log cabin that goes along with Artsy Girl's history lesson this week.
Artsy Girl has been very busy in anticipation of taking the week of Thanksgiving off.  In our geography & history studies, she has spent a week learning all about the United States.  She studied about the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War and George Washington.  She learned about the history of the American log cabin and painted her own replica.  We also studied about the history of the American Patchwork Quilt...a precious heirloom here in the South.  She created her own piece of art out of fabric, ribbon and a little Modge Podge (I am slightly addicted to Modge Podge...love it!)  In Bible, she finished her study of Moses.  In Math, she began mulitiplication...yikes!  She is doing really great with all this new information.  For the next two weeks, we explored a unit on volcanoes.  We used the Magic School Bus books and science kit.  She (and myself too) learned so much about how volcanoes are formed, the different types, famous volcanoes and the Ring of Fire.  We performed several experiments all leading up to the erupting of our very own volcano...a favorite with both kiddos! She has gotten the "Science Bug" and now wants lots of science projects for Christmas. 

We will be taking this week off for Thanksgiving, but will return next week beginning our three week study of Christmas!


  1. where you using My Father's World for the kiddos here? Also, where did you get those great log cabins? We are doing American history and my little crafter would LOVE to paint or put one together!

  2. No, this is our first year using My Father's World. We were using Expedition Earth from Confessions of a Homeschooler for our Geography/History studies last year. It's a great program learning all about 30 countries:) I got the log cabins from Michaels. Thanks for reading:)
