Friday, August 5, 2011

First week of School!!

This is our first week of school for this year!  Artsy Girl has started 2nd grade and Soccer Boy is starting K4.  Things went so great. 
I was anxious about starting school with Soccer Boy, even if it is preschool, but he has been doing so well.  He is very proud of himself and loves having his own cubby with his notebook and supplies.  We started with the letter A...we sang songs, did lots of tracing, coloring and at the end of the week added our letter A to our alphabet tree on the wall. 

Artsy Girl started with some review of language arts, math and spelling.  She started reading "Oliver Twist", her first big chapter book...she's a little nervous.  This year we will be visiting over 30 countries (one a week) with our geography/history studies.   We did an overview of all the continents, learned about latitude/longitude and how to read a map/globe.  We ended our week making a paper mache globe out of a beachball!!  Sooooo much fun and very messy.  The kids had a ball making it, and when dry, Artsy Girl gave it a coat of paint with all the different continents different colors.  Enjoy the pics!! :)

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